POSÕ üllatab värskuse, nooruslikkuse, huumori ja elujõulisusega. Tänu lavalisele väljanägemisele ja aura tõttu pole ükski publik jäänud pinki nühkima, vaid marssinud tantsuplatsile ja kloppinud tolmu maha oma unarusse jäänud tvisti- või valsioskustelt. Meie pundi motoks oli, on ja jääb - miski pole kindel, isegi mitte rütm.
Liigub ringi ka palju legende meie keeltväänava nime kohta, aga need jäägu laval avaldamiseks.
POSÕ surprises with a fresh, youthful, humorous and vigorous attitude. Through the years the band has won school and student-band competitions as well as the Student Eurovision 2015. In 2016 the band released its self-titled debut album. Due to the band's appearance and aura, no audience has stayed in their seats - people love to run to the dance floor and sut off their twisting or waltzing skills. The moto of our group was, is and will ve - nothing is for certain, even not the rhythm.
There are also many legends going around about our tongue-twisting name, but this shall be disclosed on the stage.